A LOOK BACK AT THE COSMOS AND CONSCIOUSNESS SERIESThe Mindshift Institute has produced 10 Cosmos and Consciousness conferences. We also held two reunions. We decided to have another conference because we feel that there have been major advances that have validated much of what we were communicating at our gatherings.
Our participatory conferences focused on new knowledge that could help us address major unanswered questions such as What is Life? What is Love? What is Interconnectedness? Does Consciousness Create Reality? What is Our Place in the Universe? Frontier scientists and leading-edge researchers shared what they were learning with those in attendance.
But our Mindshift audiences were not simply passive recipients. They were active participants who shared their ideas and perceptions as well. One woman who had come to many of our conferences said she could describe the Cosmos and Consciousness gatherings in one word: Luminous.
Angeles Arrien, a cross-cultural anthropologist, author, and mentor to Trish, once observed, “Coming to the Mindshift conferences in Rangeley is an archetypal journey.” Although our event will not be held in Rangeley this year, the journey into the realms of New Knowledge will still be enlivening
Trish and I have noticed over the years that many who made this journey did so out of a deep inner commitment. We have always felt the openness and Love that was present. Over the years we received many appreciative comments about our Mindshift work and would like to share a few with you:
“Thank you both for being Love. For it is love that is ever generative, radically egalitarian and a participative communion of souls who give themselves to healing the whole.”
–James O’Dea, former Wash D.C. Dir., Amnesty International, past President of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, former Dir. Seva Foundation. Author of The Conscious Activist, Cultivating Peace , Soul Awakening Practice
“Thank you, Michael and Trish. Keep it going.”
Apollo 14 Astronaut Dr Edgar Mitchell, the sixth man to walk on the Moon, and founder of the Institute of Noetic Sciences.
“What a privilege and delight it has been to be with you two on a yearly basis and with all those who participated in the Mindshift process. With deep gratitude and love.”
--Dr. Ken Hamilton, former surgeon, Founder of H.O.P.E. Healing of Persons Exceptional
“You two give so much inspiration, affection, support, and real love. That is on top of the incredible things you both are into, a worldview that expands, enhances, includes. You have provided a special service, certainly for me, for which I will be forever grateful, by reminding me always again what love is.”
--Dr Conny Huthsteiner, board-certified psychiatrist and orgone therapist; past president of the Institute for Orgonomic Science.
We are so looking forward to this year’s event to learn, to share, and to connect with wonderful searching souls. We hope you will join us!
In the past decade, many subjects that we explored at our conferences have moved from “the fringe” to the “cutting edge” and then right into the heart of the mainstream establishment, such as
The New York Times and the halls of the US Congress.
For example, in 2003, Harvard-Smithsonian Astrophysicist Dr Rudy Schild spoke openly about UFOs and extraterrestrial life. He was taking a big risk. Only a few years earlier, Pulitzer Prize-winning Harvard psychiatrist Dr John E Mack, who also spoke at this event, was the subject of an inquisition at Harvard simply for investigating the UFO phenomenon. Today, a Harvard astrophysicist has a best-selling book called
Extraterrestrial and speaks openly at UFO conferences and on UFO podcasts.
Our third speaker that year was Apollo 14 Astronaut Dr Edgar Mitchell. For the first time in public, he told the conference that he had first-hand knowledge that UFOs are real, intelligently guided, and not from our planet. Today, the Pentagon admits UFOs are real and military personnel speak openly about their sightings, providing visual evidence to back them up.
The New York Times changed the media landscape regarding UFOs in December 2017 with a landmark article that ended 75 years of mainstream ridicule about this subject. A few months ago, Congress held its first hearing on UFOs since 1968.
From 2006 through 2012, Dr Rudy Schild reported on the physical observations he and his team were making of black holes; observations producing a new description of their nature, to which he gave the term MECO for Magnetic Eternally Collapsing Objects. Today, astrophysics is moving closer to Dr Schild’s views on these celestial mysteries.
In 2007, Dr Amit Goswami, Dr Edgar Mitchell, Dr Jenny Wade and Dr Rudy Schild reported on scientific and medical evidence that our human consciousness has an impact on our physical reality via quantum functions we are only beginning to understand. Such investigations have now made their way into leading peer-reviewed scientific and medical journals.
In 2011. Mindshift co-founder Trish Corbett gave a fascinating talk on the direct perception of nature through the intelligence of the heart with a focus on plant intelligence. Today, a decade later, plant intelligence is one of the hottest topics in science with scores of scholarly articles and dozens of popular books published on the subject.
But you heard about these exciting subjects and others first at
Cosmos and Consciousness!
Cosmos and Consciousness 2022
This year, we continue our focus on leading-edge knowledge that we feel is vital to the continued existence of the human species—that is, to us, our children, and our grandchildren. This conference is the first program of our new project
THE NEXT STEP.Our human world is in crisis. Increasing numbers of people are beginning to comprehend the perils we face. We are creating a new program of action that we think can be of help:
THE NEXT STEP: A Unitary Approach to the Planetary Emergency Personal, Societal, Ecological. In the past few years, many young women and men have taken action on the social scene worldwide. So far most of it has been in the form of political action.
The Next Step is a program of
practical work, not politics. It offers many realistic, immediate solutions and opens the pathway to the creation of crucial longer-term solutions. It is a serious, long-term effort to bring about positive change; an effort that will eventually involve every institution in society from the kindergartens to the Pentagons in every nation, to paraphrase Wilhelm Reich.
The medical and scientific work of Wilhelm Reich allows us to engage in practical work on the great challenges humanity now faces. This would entail, in Reich’s words, “the most strenuous effort ever made in the history of man,” to participate in the shift underway from the Age of Mechanism and Mysticism to the Functional Cosmic Age.
What does this involve? Reich wrote, “The Cosmic Age seems to develop from two basic foundations: the restructuring of the Human Character in newborn ones and the entering into our lives of a technology of the primal, mass-free cosmic energy that fills the universe.”
This is a daring, even startling, challenge. Why would anyone undertake it? Because our survival is at stake Is this at all realistic? Social activist Ralph Nader has often said that every great social movement that has produced positive change involved only about 1000 committed women and men. Anthropologist Margaret Mead famously observed, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.”
A great and challenging adventure is at hand. Let’s take the next step.
A major goal of this conference is to connect Wilhelm Reich's medical and scientific contributions with work being done today that we think is important. Orgonomy will take its place as part of the scientific and medical dialogue. We hope that you will gain knowledge of Reich's work that can benefit you personally and, also, help in your own efforts to create a world that is more just, loving, and peaceful.
Trish Corbett will open the event with an introduction to our program
The Next Step. Orgonomy is the heart of this effort, a 21
st century approach that helps us to overcome the existing dichotomy between personal change and social change. Personal and societal change need to occur in an integrated manner, not separately, on parallel or contradictory tracks, as has been the case in the past.
New knowledge will provide a way for us to unite the work being done to bring about fundamental life-positive change as individuals and as a society. The medical and scientific work of Wilhelm Reich allows us to transcend this dichotomy and engage in practical work on the great challenges humanity now faces.
AT THE CROSSROADS—A VISION OF THE FUTUREWilhelm Reich’s Message to the US Supreme Court
Michael Mannion will introduce attendees to a range of Reich's discoveries in orgone physics and explain their potential application to serious problems in need of solutions for human beings, human society, and our planet. This talk about Reich’s science provides
a re-evaluation for a new generation.Michael will present an overview of Reich's later work, focusing on the profound documents that Reich submitted to the US Court of Appeals and the US Supreme Court in 1956. Reich introduced the justices to his new view of the Universe, one filled by an unknown mass-free cosmic energy, an energy that is the underlying Unity in Nature.
As he faced imprisonment for his ground-breaking ideas, Reich shared information about his discoveries that can be helpful to us in our present Planetary Emergency. The effectiveness of Orgone Weather Engineering to combat drought and desertification is one example of this knowledge. A non-polluting, mass-free energy motor is another. Reich also presented his findings about the reality of intelligent life beyond Earth and its impact on human civilization and culture. It was courageous of him to share this expansive scientific vision with officials who had already ordered his scientific and medical literature to be banned and burned.
FROM UFOs TO UAPs:The Transformation of the Media Landscape
Ralph Blumenthal is a veteran
New York Times reporter, an author, Distinguished Lecturer at Baruch College of the City University of New York, and summer journalism instructor at Phillips Exeter Academy. His seven non-fiction books include
The Believer about the life of Dr. John E. Mack, the eminent Harvard psychiatrist and Pulitzer Prize-winning biographer who risked his career to investigate the phenomenon of human encounters with extraterrestrial beings.
Times staffer from 1964-2009, Blumenthal led the metro team that won the Pulitzer Prize for breaking news coverage of the 1993 truck-bombing of the World Trade Center. In 2001, he was named a Fellow of the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation.
Blumenthal and colleagues Leslie Kean and Helene Cooper were instrumental in shattering 75 years of media ridicule about UFOs with their page one
New York Times article of Dec. 17, 2017 revealing a long-secret Pentagon program to investigate these mysterious visitations. Here, at long last, documented with dramatic Navy videos, was official military confirmation of the objects's physical reality. Strikingly, the mainstream news media—network, cable and local TV; major print newspapers and magazines; as well as online media outlets -- quickly shed their smirks and came to take UFOs seriously, if leaving aside, for now, key questions of where they came from and why, and who-- or what -- may be flying them.
Ralph will share with us his thoughts on this profound transformation—or Mindshift—in American society and what he has learned about UFOs, now re-branded as UAPs (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena) and AAVs, that is, advanced aerospace vehicles not made by any nation on Earth.
Dr Rudy Schild, Emeritus Harvard-Smithsonian Astrophysicist, has given presentations at 8 of our 10 Rangeley conferences, as well as at our two Rangeley Reunions. He has spoken for us at other Mindshift events as well in New York City and Northampton, MA.
Dr. Schild is highly regarded professionally for his work on gravitational lensing, baryonic dark matter and the study of quasars and black holes. In recent years, he has observed structures in the universe that he and his team call MECOs (Magnetic Eternally Collapsing Objects). He is the author of over 200 articles published in peer-reviewed professional publications.
In his talk, Dr Schild will discuss the new Quantum Hologram Theory of Consciousness which has arisen from the discoveries of Dr Edgar Mitchell and his colleagues in combination with Dr Schild’s own investigations involving MECOs, more commonly known as “black holes.”
Dr Schild will describe a model of consciousness as a resonance of the human brain with the Quantum Hologram description of all information and show how that is connected to the human experience in the act of consciousness. Recent results of brain wave scans underlie a local model where consciousness is a resonance of the human brain with the Quantum Hologram. Nevertheless, consciousness is also non-local and not solely derived from the human brain. This model can describe how consciousness may also reside outside of the brain.
In addition, in his presentation, Dr Schild will share with us a connection he sees between Wilhelm Reich's study of cosmic energy and his own astrophysical-cosmological investigations. Here is Dr Schild’s perspective today on Reich's writings on the energy of space:
"The Reich spiraling or spinning waves (Krieselwellen), which he demonstrated through scientific experiment, create a universal coherence manifest in matter and in consciousness. He has given us the unification of the quantum theory of matter with consciousness. It will turn out that Reich was the greatest scientist of all time."
This work truly connects Cosmos and Consciousness. It is a talk you won’t want to miss.
A Report on Operations Conducted by Dr Conny Huthsteiner; Dr Stephan Simonian; and Dr Roberto Maglione
Dr Conny Huthsteiner is a practicing psychiatrist and orgone therapist, and a past president of the Institute of Orgonomic Science. She has written on orgone physics and weather research. Dr. Huthsteiner has spoken for Mindshift at Cosmos and Consciousness VIII in Rangeley, as well as at Mindshift events in New York City and Northampton MA.
In his last work,
Contact with Space, published posthumously in 1957, Wilhelm Reich described in great detail his pioneering weather engineering work in the desert region of Arizona outside of Tucson from November 1954 to March 1955. Reich reported on both the details of his weather engineering or cloud-busting operations and the theoretical underpinnings of his projects in this book and in the
Orgone Energy Bulletin. Dr Huthsteiner revisited Reich’s Arizona weather work and discovered exciting new information published for the first time in the
Annals of the Institute for Orgonomic Science in her article “Weather Engineering in Contact with Space: Global Warming and the Planetary Emergency.” Based on her study of orgonomy, Dr. Huthsteiner has concluded that Reich’s warnings 65 years ago of a “planetary emergency” due to climate change were amazingly prescient and that his work on weather modification has valuable implications and applications for us today.
In her talk, Dr Huthsteiner will focus on orgone weather engineering operations that she has undertaken with her colleagues. She will share with us
what actually happens at such operations, what it feels like when the energy field of the planet is altered by a cloudbuster. She will tell us about the impact of the weather engineering efforts she and her colleagues have conducted.
Immediately after her talk, Dr Huthsteiner will be joined by her colleagues
Dr Stephan Simonian and
Dr Roberto Maglione for a panel discussion of their weather engineering work which they have been engaged in for many years.
Dr Simonian is a board certified psychiatrist and publisher of the
Journal of Psychiatric Orgone Therapy.
Dr Maglione is a Mining Engineer and Visiting Professor in Italy. He has written numerous research articles on orgone physics and is the author of
Wilhelm Reich and the Healing of Atmospheres (2007), and also,
Methods and Procedures in Biophysical Orgonometry (2012),
The Motions of Life. Was Einstein Really Modelling Brownian Movement? (2014), and The
Legendary Shamir (2017).
This talk and panel discussion could not be more important in light of the current climate change crisis. The three presenters will be providing information that is not generally known but which has the potential to be of crucial help with the Planetary Emergency we now face.
In the afternoon, we will have a larger panel discussion with all of the conference presenters, along with a Q&A session with the audience, to continue our exploration of New Knowledge and its relevance for our lives.
The quote below from one of Reich’s legal documents captures the spirit of both our conference and of our project The Next Step:
“…how far-reaching are the possibilities of the discovery of Cosmic Primordial Energy: opening to mankind the pathway toward a new age of rational biological living in harmony with the laws of the creative life force, and with the possibilities of technological developments in ‘Cosmic Engineering’ as yet embryonic, but infinite in promise.”
We hope you will join us for an enlightening and enlivening day.
Trish Corbett and Michael Mannion
The Mindshift Institute
Suggested Donation: Adults $75, Seniors $60, Students Free with ID,
Income Sensitive Admission Available on the Honor System